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Vindplaats:A 6.51 
Titel:Defending civil resistance under international law  
Auteur: Francis Anthony Boyle  
Samenvatting: The vast political, social and economic upheavals that followed the two world wars led to a realization that the principles of the Rule of Law required clearer definition and were indeed of universal application. On 26 June 1945 the Nations of the world, meeting in San Francisco, adopted the Charter of the United Nations. It is, I think, necessary in this period of international chaos to keep on remembering what had been decided then. ... There has been a near total breakdown in all standards of public and private morality in the world. This in my view is in no small degree due to the bad example which governments have given. It should be the task of the lawyers in the world to try to rebuild standards of moral responsibility which should form the base for the Rule of Law. 
Uitgever: Transnational Publishers INC, New York 
Jaar van uitgave: 1987 
Taal: Engels 
Aantal aanwezig:
ISBN/ISSN: 0-941320-43 X 
Editie: Special edition for Pro Se Protesters 
Aantal pagina's: 379 
Trefwoorden: internationaal recht, civiele verdediging, geweldloze weerbaarheid, weerstand, nucleaire afschrikking, kernwapens, Centraal Amerika, Zuid-Afrika, racisme, Verenigde Naties,