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Vindplaats:A 6.49 
Titel:The (Il)legality of Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons 
Auteur: John Burroughs 
Samenvatting: The 20th century has been defined in large part by the unleashing of the terrible destructive power of the atom, and the subsequent struggle to overcome the threat of nuclear annihilation. If humankind survives, the 8 July 1996 advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice, and the extraaordinary process that led up to it, will have played an essential role. The (Il)legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons is a concise yet thorough guide to the case. In straightforward language, it describes the history of this unprecedented initiative and summarizes and explains states' arguments to the Court, the Court's findings, and the separate statements of the judges. The author provides cogent expert analysis and, most importantly, reveals how the opinion imparts hope and points the way to the future.  
Uitgever: LIT, Minster 
Jaar van uitgave: 1997 
Taal: Engels 
Aantal aanwezig:
ISBN/ISSN: 3-8258-3516-2 
Ondertitel: A Guide to the Historic Opinion of the International Court of Justice. 
Aantal pagina's: 169 
Serie: Band 3 
Trefwoorden: atoomwapens, Internationaal Gerechtshof, geschiedenis, dreiging, jurisdictie, Non-Proliferatie Verdrag, mensenrechten, genocide, milieuwetten, neutraliteitswet, chemische wapens, biologische wapens, United Nations Charter,