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Vindplaats:A 3.124 
Titel:Must de bom spread? 
Auteur: Leonard Beaton 
Samenvatting: Five nuclear powers – the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China – today possess weapons, more or less developed, as destructive as the Flood. Between them an uneasy balance of power exists. But what if other countries are able and tempted to construct nuclear weapons? The Institute for Strategic Studies exists to examine just such situations as this. From its discussions at a conference held in 1965 Leonard Beaton develops, here his own interpretation of the human, political, industrial, and financial forces which are working for and against the proliferation of nuclear weapons. He is no prophet of woe. His cool assessment admits the cheerful belief that only the giant powers can afford to construct realistic nuclear forces. But his book stresses the sombre truth that nuclear power is contagious and that biology offers no evidence of the inevitability of survival. 
Uitgever: Penguin Books 
Jaar van uitgave: 1966 
Taal: Engels 
Aantal aanwezig:
Opmerkingen: In Archief. Bevat enkele tabellen.  
Aantal pagina's: 146 
Serie: Penguin Special A791 
Trefwoorden: atoomwapens, Verenigde Staten, Rusland, China, Groot Brittannië, Frankrijk, techniek, wapenwedloop, proliferatie, plutonium, anti-proliferatie strategie, industriële mogendheden,