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Vindplaats:A 3.122 
Titel:Nuclear disaster 
Auteur: Tom Stonier  
Samenvatting: Here, then, are the facts – coldly set down by a biologist who has specialized in the effects of nuclear weapons. They relate to New York, but the map of London which has been added to this Penguin edition will drive home to the English reader the flat annihilation, the living death which would ripple out from a bomb dropped at Westminster. This is not a pretty book. But then we are not ostriches: it is time to get sand out of our eyer. 
Uitgever: Penguin Books 
Jaar van uitgave: 1964 
Taal: Engels 
Aantal aanwezig:
Opmerkingen: In Archief. Voorwoord door Robert Jungk. In het boek staan tabellen.  
Aantal pagina's: 240 
Serie: Penguin Special 
Trefwoorden: atoombom, atoomwapens, firestorm, fallout, straling, gezondheidsproblemen, epidemieën, ecologie, klimaat, milieu, overleven, bijeffect,