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Vindplaats:A 3.118 
Titel:The shape of wars to come 
Auteur: David Baker 
Samenvatting: Even as you read this, preparations are under way for the next World War - and space will be the battlefield. Weapons are now being devised, constructed and tested which will make nuclear warfare as obsolete as the cross-bow or the musket. The superpowers, locked into an irresistible arms race, are now producing high-energy laser guns and particle beam weapons - the 'death rays' of science fiction. Fully developed and deployed, these could destroy all human life on this planet. Here, revealed in convincing detail by a NASA consultant, are the terrifying facts behind the arms race in space. 
Uitgever: The Hamlym Publisching Groep 
Jaar van uitgave: 1981 
Taal: Engels 
Aantal aanwezig:
ISBN/ISSN: 0-600-20651 3 
Ondertitel: The hidden facts behind the arms race in space  
Foto's: zwart wit en kleurenfoto's. 
Aantal pagina's: 177 
Serie: Hamlyn Paperbacks 
Trefwoorden: ruimte, ruimtewapens, NASA, Verenigde Staten, Sovjet Unie, baan om de aarde, satellieten, het weer, de oceanen, schildwachten, afweer, laser wapens, Shuttle, deeltjesstralers, militaire satellieten,