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Vindplaats:A 1.38 
Titel:The right to refuse military orders 
Samenvatting: The Peace Union of Finland and the Finnish Lawyers' for Peace and Survival in collaboration with the International Peace Bureau (IPB) and the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) organized an international seminar on "The right to Refuse Military Orders" in the autumn in 1990 in Finland. In this seminar soldiers who had refused to obey illegal orders, peace movement activists and international law experts exchanged their experiences and views on the subject. Martin Cheinin and Kirsi Tarvainen collected the contributions presented at the seminar in a book published in Finnish in 1991. The editing work of this English volume of the same subject was done by Merja Pentikäinen.  
Redactie: Merja Pentikäinen 
Uitgever: International Peace Bureau (IPB)  
Jaar van uitgave: 1994 
Taal: Engels 
Aantal aanwezig:
ISBN/ISSN: 951-9193-40-5 
Ondertitel: IPB, in collaboration with IALANA, Peace Union of Finland, Finnish Lawyers fo rPeace and Survival. 
Opmerkingen: Notes on the contributors, the Nurenberg, Principles.  
Aantal pagina's: 109 
Trefwoorden: bevelen, internationaal recht, rechten schendingen, Vietnam oorlog, Tweede Wereldoorlog, Conventie van Genève, weigerrecht, militairen, Finland, persoonlijke verantwoordelijkheid, kernwapens, Meindert Stelling, martelingen, Roemenië, stakers, bezette gebieden, Israël, Arrowsmith case, militaire eed, militaire opleiding, Neurenberg verdrag, mensenrechten, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, geweten, ethiek, civiele verdediging, terrorisme, buitenlandpolitiek,